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Jaunumi Ryga “Rumba“ (Latvia) team again has become the champions of IABL (International amateur basketball league) of 2017Trešdiena, 05 jūlijs 2017 20:09; Komentāri: At the first weekend of June, 2017 the IABL finals took place. There were 8 teams from 6 countries – Russia, the Ukraine, Sweden, Denmark, Lithuania and Latvia - to compete for the title of the champions.
On the first day of the tournament the teams played in the final subgroup matches: Moscow (Russia) vs. Sweden - 80:106, Sankt-Petesrburgh (Russia) vs. Denmark – 77:63, Latvia vs.Vilnius (Lithuania) - 92:93, the Ukraine vs. Kaunas (Lithuania) – 97:57. The quarter finals team
The champions of the Fifth International Amateur Basketball League (IABL) – Riga „Rumba“ team (LBAL – Latvia)Trešdiena, 20 jūlijs 2016 17:28; Komentāri: In June ,2016 the Fifth of jubillee International amateur basketball league (IABL) tournament was closed. This year there were 7 teams from 5 countries: Russia, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia and the Ukraine. The teams had to fight in three tournaments to get into the final fourth. In winter the first tournament took place in Riga ( Latvia), the second one took place in Hoganas ( Sweden) and both the third and the final tournament took place in Benidorm, a resort in Spain.
The third
The II-nd IABL tournament of 2016 in Hoganas, Sweden. The Latvians‘ predominance and the Ukrainians‘ victoriesOtrdiena, 19 aprīlis 2016 23:42; Komentāri: On April 9, 2016 the IABL matches took place for the first time in Hoganas, a resort town by the North sea in Sweden.
Teams of Kaunas KKL national and Russia Sankt Petersburgh came out first on the site. Since the start of the game Kaunas team dictated their own terms on the site and defeated the opponents in a result 119:69.
Vilnius „Tegra“ and Moscow BC“ Torpedo“ teams tried out own strenghts in the second match. The fight on the site was rather fierce during the
Fourth International Amateur Basketball League (IABL) tournament champions - Ukraine national teamSestdiena, 11 jūlijs 2015 12:48; Komentāri: On 12 June the Fourth International Amateur Basketball League (IABL) tournament was closed. The final tour took place in Slovenia health resort Portorož on the Adriatic coast.
After the semifinals, The Ukraine national team, the champions of the last year tour and KKL national team, made on the basis of Sports Obsession team, turned out as the final rivals.
The final match started with a persistent fight , where players from Kaunas were more successful, however in the second round
The IVth Tournament in Kėdainiai.The absolute domination of the Kaunas team, Russians with strong ambitions and the downfall of the Ukrainians to the bottom of the tour match standing.Otrdiena, 31 marts 2015 13:11; Komentāri: On March 21, the IVth International Amateur Basketball League (IABL) as the last but one tournament took place in Kėdainiai, with Vilnius team as a formal host. There were six games played during the tournament with the revealed favorites and outsiders.In any case this year the strength of teams has been very similar and all main fights are still ahead.
VKL national team made on the basis of “Tegra“ and KKL national team made on the basis of “Sport Obsession“
The Third International Amateur Basketball League tournament ( IABL) in Druskininkai. An absolute Kaunas and Latvian teams predominance as well as a surprise from Russia Ceturtdiena, 05 marts 2015 15:43; Komentāri: On 21 February , 2015 the third IABL tournament took place in a Lithuanian health resort Druskininkai. Although according to the previous agreement the tournament had to take place in Sankt Petersburgh, due to the existing unstable political situation, on the basis of the agreement among all the teams the decision was taken to hold the tournament in Druskininkai Lithuania.
Kaunas basketball league provided Russians with assistance to organize the tournament by approving themselves once again
The second International Amateur Basketball League (IABL) Tournament in Kaunas. A lot of beautiful fights and surprisesPirmdiena, 29 decembris 2014 21:00; Komentāri: On December 13th in Kaunas, the second International Amateur Basketball League tournament took place at A.Sabonis BC , where 6 matches were played. During the first match site hosts from Kaunas were the first to come out to the field with their principal rivals from Vilnius. From the start of the match the fortune was on the side of players from Kaunas, who were little by little gaining point advantage and didn‘t even allow their rivals to think about a victory. The hosts acted asVairāk ziņu » |